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Day 18 (13 August): Nether Stowey to Highbridge


At breakfast in Minehead yesterday I waited a full 30 minutes for my Eggs Benedict – which when it came was Egg Benedict - 30 minutes which would have been useful at the end of the day. Breakfast in Nether Stowey did not even start until 8.30. By the time I had finished cereal, fruit juice and coffee, no-one had come to take orders from me or anyone else, so I decided to skip the cooked bit altogether to save time.

The planned route today was annoying. If I were able to walk on water, then a direct route would save miles, but a dogleg is necessitated by the fact that you can only cross the river Parrett in Bridgwater. Even the coast path goes through the middle of the town, though it is at least five miles inland.

I set off to walk minor roads via Bridgwater. From the outset I was really tired (not surprising given a ten hour walk yesterday). The heat also seemed worse, though this was probably just because there was no breeze. This was the first day when I did not see the sea.

Mid-morning I took a lie-down rest under a tree (see photo). Co-incidentally this was at the point I had walked about 262.5 miles – so a quarter of the whole journey done (in miles, though not quite in days yet). It was also at this point that I decided that I was so tired and hot that the full 22 miles to Highbridge (albeit flat walking rather than yesterday’s Quantocks) would not be very wise. I decided that if there was to be a gap, then I might as well stop in Bridgwater where it would be easy to get lunch and a taxi, rather than go any further. I am glad I did, as I had already done 10 miles, and it was hotter than ever.

So now I have a column on the stats saying ‘route miles missed’ (12). In a way I should not worry, because my route is 1050 miles ,and you can do it in about 950 if you chose the most direct route. On the other hand it has broken my continuous line and I will want to get back to plug the gap when I can – and indeed make a nicer, longer walk by following the river rather than the A38.

So I had a ‘small’ mixed grill at Bridgwater Wetherspoons (it must take two people to carry their large one!) and then got a taxi to the Grange Hotel at the foot of Brent Knoll. My room turns out to have an annex for my dog! I slept for 90 minutes and then pottered with maps, messages etc.

I am certain it was wise to take the break. Tomorrow is only 17 miles, and looks fairly flat – half is on an old railway track. But it will still be hot. They serve breakfast here from 7.30 (a first), which means I can get going a little earlier, when it is not quite so hot.

Then on Monday I will be walking most of the day with my son Ben, and Tuesday is a rest day!


Today's route


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Daily Data

Days left until John O’Groats


Route miles walked


Route miles missed

12 miles owed to sponsors

Estimated miles until John O’Groats


Evening and rest day walking


Counties walked through


Ferry miles


Number of walking companions so far


Number of stiles crossed


Current sponsorship total


Cast of characters (Bold = walking companions)

Jeremy Pemberton, Laurence Cunnington, Brad Poulson, Adele Poulson, Graeme Parkhill, Andy Hellwig, Patrick Lynn, Esther Lynn, Emma Rayner, Quentin Rayner, Sara Low, Robbie Low, Christopher Darwin, Heather Darwin, Christine Hytch, Chris Hytch and Annown, Hilary Edwards, Richard Edwards, Rachel Robbins, Mark Robbins

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2 comentarios

Lesley Shuttlewood
Lesley Shuttlewood
14 ago 2022

I think it’s incredible that you have managed to walk so far in the unprecedented heat of the last few days. Well done 👏

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Vincent Ashwin
Vincent Ashwin
14 ago 2022

Guy, it's totally amazing how you have just carried on during this heat. Don't even THINK of acting on your 'owed to sponsors' column of miles that the heat has made you miss!

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